- Kurus tanpa diet.
- AGEL FIT :: GEL SUSPENSION untuk menurunkan berat badan dan mengahalang sintesis lemak.
- Makan 45 minit sebelum lunch atau dinner,ia akan suppress appetite,so you will only take what your body actually needs..Thats how you lose weight.
- Tidak mengganggu penghasilan susu.
- Rasa yang sangat sedap.
- Antara produk terlaris dalam AGEL
AGEL FIT Product Information :
Agel FIT plays a key role in the daily struggle of weight control. Coupled with a well balanced diet and appropriate physical exercise, FIT will contribute to weight loss and weight control by helping to reduce appetite and regulating metabolism so that more fat is eliminated and less fat is accumulated.
At the heart of this product is Super CitriMax ™, a patent-pending form of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), made out of Gacinia Cambogia extract which functions in preventing our body from storing unused carbohydrates. In addition it improved metabolic function and helps us burn stored fat.
Taken about 45 minutes before meals, FIT will contain your appetite so that you will reduce your food intake and not feel hunger.
Some of FIT benefits are:
- May suppress appetite*
- May inhibit fat synthesis*
- May contribute to an increase in the burning of fat*
- Can improve weight loss and weight control in combination with exercise and proper dieting*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.